Friday, November 7, 2008

Diaper Dilemma

When I think of disposable diapers going into a landfill, sitting and rotting for thousands of years, it literally makes me sick! Ug!!!

I have always said I will use cloth diapers, even though I do not have children yet. Our Mom did - although that was back in the day when you had to use real pins and there was a diaper service that picked up used ones and cleaned them.

While the technology of the cloth diaper has changed, it seems like diaper cleaning services are much harder to find. Still, I am in it to win it.

I just found another option however, the G Diaper. They are and flushable. I know, I know, the word flushable makes you cringe. Sure, put the diaper in the sewer instead of a landfill, right! But, look a little closer. You can compost ones that have only been tinkled on, and their explanation of how the flush works seems pretty OK. We flush tampons, too don't we? So the sewer facilities know how to handle certain solids that come their way.

Plus, cloth and g diapers are much gentler on the baby's skin, since they do not contain plastic - which contains chemicals that are bad for us!

Price wise, they are right about the same per insert as a disposable diaper, so basically you just have to invest in the covers, which are about $16 a piece - not that big of a deal in the long run, especially when you consider the lighter impact on the environment!

1 comment:

  1. Gdiapers look neat! I also am an advocate for cloth diapers and/or biodegradables... the easier they are for Moms and Dads to use, the more people will use them!
