Monday, November 17, 2008

Groovy Green Tip

Non-PVC shower curtains make for a healthier bathroom!

I read in a recent issue of Vegetarian Times that a plastic shower curtain liner releases over 100 chemicals into the air when opened. I then found out that a consumer advocacy group did a test of PVC (polyvinyl chloride) curtains purchased at several big name stores and found unacceptable levels of toxins in a whole bunch of brands. These chemicals are released into the air over time, and can cause all sorts of health problems. That's bathroom pollution that really stinks!

I had already been feeling guilty about using (and trashing) a plastic shower curtain liner a couple of times each year. Once I read that, I decided that enough was enough and purchased a linen shower curtain for my bathroom. This was a couple of months ago, and I'm still waiting for my "old" plastic shower curtain liner to wear out/get moldy and unbearable before I replace it with the new linen model. My new linen liner is washable and looks like it will do a decent job. Hooray!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds good - we will need a new one soon. Where did you get yours?
