Monday, November 10, 2008

The Hanky Dilemma

I have a cold. I was in denial about it last Thursday (calling my runny nose "allergies" and hoping I could trick my body into thinking it was just that), but on Friday my head started to feel like it was in a bubble, and by Saturday I was popping Tylenol Severe Cold meds and drinking Emergen-C by the liter.

Thankfully, things are starting to look up today and I'm feeling a little bit better. However, I think I've gone through at least a full box of tissues in the past seventy-two hours. As someone who is trying to "green" herself, that's bad news. Plus, I don't recycle tissues; they are definitely a "trash" item. There must be a better way...?

Enter the handkerchief. This seems like a no-brainer: just like reusable shopping bags, if you remember to bring it with you when you have a stuffy nose, you should be in good shape. The problem is, you then have to carry around a snotty rag with cold germs all over it in your purse all day long. That thought grosses me out. Plus, at the rate my nose is dripping, I could see myself going through several (like, five to ten) hankies in a day... and I don't have that much room in my purse. So am I justified in using disposable tissues over a hanky? How about if I buy tissues made from recycled material... is that just a little bit better? I'm not sure... I feel guilty about it, but I just don't know if I'm dedicated enough at this point to make the jump to the hanky. What are your thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. Yes - great idea! Dad uses handkercheifs, but I think they are more for everyday use, not necessarily the messy cold season. Maybe you could experiment with both hankies and tissues. See what happens. Maybe I will get you some for Christmas, with your initials embroidered in the corner.
