Tuesday, December 2, 2008

An Interesting Encounter

I was shopping in a craft store for a few more crafty items for this Christmas, and I remembered to bring my own bag!

So as I approached the counter, I set it out and told the girl that I would like to use that. To my surprise, she asked me, "Why do you use those instead of plastic?" So, I amswered I thought it was better for the environment. Again, I was surprised that she launched into something about "Well, if people throw those into a landfill, then they are just as bad." OK. What? it's a REuseable bag.

So THEN, she mentions she heard that some banks may get rid of paper receipts. Stupidly I answered, "Yes, to save trees." So then she starts on about how banks are always trying to take people's money and she wants written proof of her transactions and that they should never ever do that. Whoa.

Well, I had two choices. Make some snide comment about how the planet is screwed and her bank ablance is not as important as saving the boreal forests, or just be silent and walk away. I chose option 2. It was obvious that nothing I could say would change her mind, so I took it as a lesson in how different people think about the whole 'green' movement and went on my way.

For me, the "Green" movement is a no brainer. Although, I will admit, it can be difficult and takes time to change your own attitudes about something. It takes persistance and patience. But someone who has trouble paying the bills each month is really thinking of day to day survival, not how they can improve the planet. Perhaps some even think it is obnoxious and want to be 'anti-green' on purpose. It is funny, however, that going green alot of times equates with saving money on energy, etc... and so is actually a great thing for folks who don't have alot!

Any thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. Different strokes for different folks I guess! Your post made me think back to this one time when I was living in an apartment complex and I complained to my neighbors about how the city didn't pick up our recyclables for us, so I had to drag mine all the way to the local recycling center myself. To this they replied, "we don't recycle anything, so it doesn't bother us!" I was just like... okay then.
