Thursday, January 8, 2009


Driving down Highland Ave. in Somerville tonight, a small storefront caught my attention. A sign stating "diaperlab" was up.. Hmm... so I checked them out online.

What a great idea! A place where you can go to learn about the variety of cloth diaper choices out there, get help choosing the right one, purchase them right there, and even get a demonstration of how easy they are to use!  An all in one diaper mecca!

I also like the personal touch that the owners put into the website - they are the ones who will help you out at the store. Support your local businesses!

As of now, I do not have a little one that necessitates diapers, but I do remember that out Mom always used them, and I feel it is the greener way to go, so I like to keep my eyes open for myself, and for friends who have children.

If I get a chance to visit, I'll let you know how it goes. But would that be weird? "Hi, I don't have a baby, but I like your store. What's the largest size diaper you have...I'm planning a long trip."

1 comment:

  1. haha! I'm interested too; I'll go with you. We can say we're planning for the future...?
