Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

Yeah. So. One of my New Year's Resolutions is definitely going to be to post more to this blog! Another one (I always make many... then I am more likely to keep at least some) that has a "green" tint is to walk/bike as much as possible as opposed to using my car.

What are your green resolutions?

Happy New Year! 2008 was great (minus that whole tanking economy thing)... now on to 2009! :o)

1 comment:

  1. YAY! Happy New Year!

    I have a few things I am going to continue working on. One is buying more food in bulk, buying more local, and growing my own!

    Another is not buying brand new things. OK, I need a new pair of glasses, but that's an exception. We have so many great consignment and second hand shops around here, plus Freecycle, etc... with a little homework I should be able to get away with this one.

    More of a challenge is getting the foks in my office to think about how much paper they use - there are many opportunites to reduce the amount we use, and hopefully, I can implement a recycling program.
