Friday, February 20, 2009

Self Flushing Toilets - use where appropriate

We are going skiing tomorrow! Yay!

Which brings up a good point about toilets. A ski resort is NOT the appropriate place for self flushing toilets. Especially in the ladies room. Consider this scenario:

You are in your ski gear and need to pee. After waiting in the long line of ladies, you finally enter your small private booth, facing the toilet.

You remove your gloves and jacket, and turn towards the door to hang it up and lock the door.

The toilet senses your movements and flushes.

You turn back to the toilet, use some t.p. to make your "nest" on the seat, and hope the blowing heaters don't send the paper flying.

You turn back towards the door, unbuckle your snowpants and slide them down, unbutton your pants and slide those down, realize your snowpants just knocked the paper nest off the seat, shuffle back around to make another nest, then carefully turn around again to avoid knocking the paper off again.

The toilet flushes again.

Finally, you sit, do your business as efficiently as possible, holding the back of your snowpants away from the toilet bowl, because eew, you don't want them to touch it.

You stand up, wipe up and pull up all the layers.

No flush.

Put on your hat and gloves, coat, turn back toward the toilet and wave your hands around.

No flush.

Finally, because you know someone is coming in right behind you, you press the manual button and flush your little gift into the sea.

Three flushes, all because a dumb computer can't determine when there is a load in the potty of not. Maybe that's what the sensors should be for, instead of just someone coming and going and turning around!

Any other suggestions of appropriate of inappropriate self flushing toilet applications? I'd love to hear!

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